Crime Reduction Grants

About the Crime Reduction Grants

The New Mexico Sentencing Commission periodically accepts applications for crime reduction grants through the Crime Reduction Grant Act (Section 31-28-1 NMSA 1978, et seq.). Grant projects may be for any of the 12 purposes listed here.

All grant applicants must be members of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) for their judicial district and must submit proof of their CJCC’s approval of their project before they can accept a grant award. More information about grantee requirements and obligations, including data-sharing, is provided in the Crime Reduction Grant Act here. 

The Crime Reduction Grant Act (CRGA) was passed in 2019 as a way to spur local-level innovation to address criminal justice issues. Applications for Crime Reduction Grants are approved by a Judicial District’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to ensure that there is a strong nexus between the grant request and local needs. It is anticipated that certain programs might be funded through the CRGA process for multiple grant cycles, but once a program is established and been shown to be effective, the program would then turn to the Legislature for funding. We encourage communities throughout the state to be inventive, be creative, and, with the approval of their Judicial District’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, apply for a grant.

For a list of members of the Grants Committee, click here.

For a list of minutes of past committee meetings, click here.

Crime Reduction Grant Listserv

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