Membership & Staff

The Juvenile Committee focuses on all New Mexico juvenile justice issues. The committee visits programs and facilities throughout the state and makes recommendations to the full commission as appropriate.

  • Cindy Aragon, Chair
  • Bob Cleavall, NMSC Chair
  • Ambrosio Castellano, appointed by the Speaker of the House
  • Sheriff Glenn Hamilton (ret’d.), appointed by New Mexico Counties
  • April Land, for the Dean of UNM School of Law
  • Krista Lawrence, appointed by the Governor
  • Ramona Martinez, appointed by the Senate President Pro Tem
  • Angela "Spence" Pacheco, appointed by the Speaker of the House
  • Scott Patterson, for the Children, Youth and Families Department
  • David Richter, for the Law Offices of the Public Defender
  • Hon. Alma Cristina Roberson for Children’s Court Judge, Second Judicial District
  • Linda Freeman, New Mexico Sentencing Commission Executive Director
  • Douglas Carver, New Mexico Sentencing Commission Deputy Director
  • Keri Thiel, New Mexico Sentencing Commission Staff Attorney